Arrears Management at a retail bank
What was the question?
A visitation by a supervisor at a Dutch retail bank led to comments about the arrears management approach. The bank wanted a working method for this department that did justice to the seriousness of its customers’ problems. In addition, the employees had to have a framework with a similar approach but with the possibility to deviate motivated.
Why did the customer select us?
The customer insisted that it was not a theoretical policy document to satisfy a supervisor. A working method supported by its employees had to be developed and implemented that works in everyday practice. One of the professionals at Charlie Knows combined extensive managerial experience within the banking world with strong change management capabilities and was able to meet the wishes of the customer.

How did we approach this?
In consultation with management, a longer process was deliberately chosen in order to enable employees to discuss the new policy to be developed. All relevant aspects were discussed in extensive workshops and this was subsequently shaped into a tailor-made policy. This included the latest legislation and regulation aspects.
What was the outcome?
The chosen approach to spend more time designing the new policy made rapid implementation possible. The new policy has been put into practice and employees approach customers in a uniform manner. The regulator’s objections as a result have also been removed.