Project portfolio within an Agile environment
Business challenge
After adopting an Agile working method a Pan-European financial institution was confronted with problems with the development and introduction of new products plus the support of the sales organization towards the market. The employees were satisfied, IT development costs rose sharply whilst sales stagnated in a strong growing market therefore the market position weakened.
Why did the customer select us?
Charlie Knows was already selected by the customer to support a licence trajectory. During the intake of the licence trajectory the product portfolio problem was clearly identified, quantified by Chaarlie Knows team and subsequently qualified as a ‘must fix’, in terms of: budget, effectiveness, turnover and employee engagement.

How did we approach this?
We performed a Quick Scan based on the Crosslinx© method. This revealed that the governance structure had not been properly adjusted with the introduction of the Agile method. In a joint effort with the licencetrajectory, an ‘activity-based’ view of the organization was established and a clear structure was chosen that allowed the Agile ‘way-of-working’ to be integrated with a ‘control point-based’ governance structure instead of the old ‘process-based’ approach.
What was the outcome?
An effective governance structure to support an Agile work environment where roles and responsibilities were clearly assigned and the organization optimally exploited the benefits of Agile. IT development costs fell below the starting level within six months (85%) and the “go-to-market” period of products plus related sales support was back to the desired level within nine months